Genero: Progressive Metal
Pais: Sao Paulo, Brasil
Año de publicación: 2006
Disquera: SPV/Streamhammer
Formato: Zip / Mp3
Tamaño: 78.85 MB
1. The Course of Nature
2. The Voice Commanding You
3. Ego Painted Grey
4. Breaking Ties
5. Salvation : Suicide
6. Window To Nowhere
7. So Near So Far
8. Passing By
9. Scream Your Heart Out
10. Abandoned Fate
Descargar/Download (mediafire)
Año de publicación: 2006
Disquera: SPV/Streamhammer
Formato: Zip / Mp3
Tamaño: 78.85 MB
1. The Course of Nature
2. The Voice Commanding You
3. Ego Painted Grey
4. Breaking Ties
5. Salvation : Suicide
6. Window To Nowhere
7. So Near So Far
8. Passing By
9. Scream Your Heart Out
10. Abandoned Fate
Descargar/Download (mediafire)
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